Gaurav Sharma (guest)

Gaurav Sharma has been working as an independent financial and business consultant and strategist for the past three years. He works with fintech startups, wealth management firms, international banks, consulting companies and multi strategy investment funds. Gaurav assists his clients with financial strategy and investment analysis, drawing on his experience of managing a diverse array of Fortune Global 500 clients from across the globe. He also loves to write about innovations and cyber-security in financial technology and banking. Gaurav has six years of international banking experience (Standard Chartered Bank and Citi). He has covered the entire gamut of banking products with experience in corporate finance, trade finance, derivatives, risk management and so on. Gaurav is a Certified Financial Risk Manager and a CFA Level III candidate. He holds an Engineering Degree in Computer Science and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management in Kozhikode.

A plain blue lego brick, representing the CEF building blocks

3 min read

Introducing the CEF Building Blocks: eDelivery, eID, eSignature & more

The CEF building blocks of the digital service infrastructure, as defined under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), cover essential components like...

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eIDAS: Qualified Electronic Seals for the Internet of Everything

3 min read

eIDAS: Qualified Electronic Seals for the Internet of Everything

When we think of digital certificates and signatures, the first applications that come to mind involve financial transactions or other services...

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3 min read

Benefits of the eIDAS Toolbox: Industry Case Studies (Part 1)

The eIDAS Regulation has been designed with an aim to optimize digital business practices while simultaneously enhancing security for all users. It...

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3 min read

Digital by Default – The EU’s fully electronic public sector

The European Commission has been hard at work pushing out policies and directives to address the few remaining issues in its move toward a truly...

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2 min read

The future of eIDAS in Post Brexit Britain

Markets hate uncertainty, and the confusion regarding issues related to Britain’s exit from the European Union has roiled equity and currency...

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3 min read

eIDAS and Institutional Banking - the shape of things to come

A whole host of EU directives and regulations have been enacted to enable both consumers and service providers to benefit from added security,...

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3 min read

EBA On Customer Authentication Under PSD2: Inherence

A fundamental objective of the Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) has been to reduce the risk of fraud to the maximum extent possible and...

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3 min read

How eIDAS is Levelling the Playing Field for Small Businesses

SME’s are the backbone of any economy. They provide jobs to a broad cross-section of society and strengthen the economic foundation of nations. The...

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EBA’s opinion on elements of Strong Customer Authentication under PSD2 – Part 2 – Possession and Knowledge

3 min read

EBA On Customer Authentication Under PSD2: Possession & Knowledge

Financial institutions and solution providers are busy implementing the requirements of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) under the Revised...

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