1 min read

Cryptomathic assures security of Belgium’s new digital identity wallet

Cryptomathic’s Mobile App Security Core (MASC) delivers the highest levels of security, protection and privacy for citizens using the app

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2 min read

The European Digital Identity Wallet as a Means of Authentication

The European Commission, as part of the eIDAS 2.0 proposal promotes the European Digital Identity Wallet (EUDI Wallet) as an app that enables...

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4 min read

Selecting a Mobile App Security Solution for the EUDI Wallet

Organizations responsible for the development of an EUDI wallet (or other apps with highly sensitive data), will be acutely aware of the importance...

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5 min read

Protecting the European Digital Identity Wallet

The European Commission promotes the European Digital Identity wallet (EUDI wallet) as part of its effort to digitize the economy and help foster...

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5 min read

Protecting Banking Apps Against Malware Threats

Here we explain why additional security mechanisms, beyond the mobile OS security features, are needed to protect mobile banking applications from...

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3 min read

Overview of Defense Mechanisms for Mobile Banking Apps

As the use of mobile phones for mobile banking and payment applications increases, corresponding security threats are increasing as well. The...

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Secure Connectivity for Mobile Banking and Payment Apps: Strong Authentication

4 min read

Why Mobile Banking and Payment Apps Need Strong Authentication

Here we provide a short overview of why strong authentication is seriously needed to provide security for mobile banking and payment applications.

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3 min read

Integrating PSD2 and eIDAS

With the introduction of PSD2, banks are forced to provide third party payment service providers (PSPs) with access to the bank’s customers’ account...

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Secure Hardening for Mobile Banking Apps: Data Obfuscation

3 min read

Secure Hardening for Mobile Banking Apps: Data Obfuscation

When developing an application for mobile banking, application hardening using code obfuscation is one possible way of protecting sensitive data....

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