Cambridge, UK - 21 June 2011
Cryptomathic has joined the membership of OASIS (Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards), in a move which demonstrates the company's dedication to help shape the future of the key management system (KMS) market.
KMS expert Cryptomathic, is one of the world's leading providers of security solutions to businesses across a wide range of industry sectors including finance, smart card, digital rights management and government. It has joined OASIS as a Contributor and will participate in the Key Management Interoperability Protocol Technical Committee to assist in its work to advance a single, comprehensive protocol for communication between encryption systems and a broad range of new and legacy enterprise applications. This includes email, databases and storage devices.
Cryptomathic KMS is a fully automated life cycle key management system. It was launched in 2007 and offers an immediate return on investment by removing the need to have key custodians present to manually install and regularly manage the lifecycle of keys on devices. It enables instructions to be issued individually to system operators, allowing them to control their keys independently online, working from their own desks, seamlessly and securely 'pushing' keys into the correct location. The simple and uncomplicated process reduces human error while enabling keys to be updated more frequently without additional costs to a financial institute or its customers.
Speaking about the membership, Boris Schumperli, Project Manager for Cryptomathic KMS, said: "Across most industries the requirements for managing a constantly increasing number of cryptographic keys and certificates are becoming ever more complex. Ensuring that the right key is in the right place at the right time is a necessity to most global organisations within the financial sector.
"Cryptomathic KMS is compatible with current industry standards and is used by major global organisations include global card payment schemes, multinational banks and third party service providers. To ensure market interoperability we see it as a priority to work with OASIS to standardise key management procedures across the industry."
"OASIS is pleased to welcome Cryptomathic as the newest member of our KMIP Technical Committee, said Laurent Liscia, Executive Director of OASIS. "We applaud Cryptomathic's commitment to open standards and its dedication to assuring interoperability in the key management space. We look forward to the contributions Cryptomathic will bring to the KMIP Committee as the group advances its work."