Edlyn Teske

Edlyn has a distinguished career as a Professor of Mathematics at the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization and the Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research, University of Waterloo (Canada), until she moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, where she worked as Senior Solutions Architect at Cryptomathic and taught German at the GISSV Saturday School. Edlyn currently lives in Leipzig, Germany, working as Senior Cryptography Consultant at Cryptomathic. She is also busy mother of four children ages 11 to 20.

6 min read

Qualified Electronic Signatures – Best Practice Implementation of the Signature Activation Module (SAM)

This article evaluates the implementation options for the Signature Activation Module (SAM) in the context of eIDAS 2. Based on this analysis we...

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4 min read

Key Management in the Automotive Domain

Today’s cars are computers on wheels which operate in a connected world and ecosystem of other cars, roadside infrastructure, and the cloud. Car...

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7 min read

Exploring DORA

Cryptomathic solutions support your financial institution towards compliance. The financial sector is increasingly dependent on technology and on...

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2 min read

NIS2 succeeds NISD, and can now affect you too

Cryptomathic guides you towards compliance. EU Directive 2022/2555 on Network and Information Systems, also known as NIS2, entered into force on Jan...

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2 min read

eIDAS 2.0 – What’s New?

The European eIDAS regulation, short for the Electronic IDentification, Authentication and Trust Services Regulation, was created in 2014 to ensure...

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2 min read

More Post-Quantum Digital Signature Candidates!

On July 17, 2023, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced a new set of 40 candidates to compete in their Post-Quantum...

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2 min read

The European Digital Identity Wallet as a Means of Authentication

The European Commission, as part of the eIDAS 2.0 proposal promotes the European Digital Identity Wallet (EUDI Wallet) as an app that enables...

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6 min read

Resources to Help You Develop and Test EUDI Wallet App Security

Itemizing the potential risks of the European Digital Identity (EUDl) Wallet scheme is a complex task that involves assessing the attack surface of...

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5 min read

What is an Assurance Protocol in Mobile App Security?

Mobile apps and mobile software components are rarely stand-alone as they frequently perform their most important operations on various backend...

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