1 min read

eIDAS stands for "electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services" and is the commonly used name for the EU regulation, 910/2014, on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, repealing the old signature directive 1999/93/EC. The eIDAS regulation and its implementing acts are law in all EU Member States, meaning public services in the Member States must recognize national electronic identification schemes (eIDs).
Under eIDAS, citizens and businesses can use their native eIDS when accessing public services within other EU Member States that use eIDS. This regulation defines the conditions in which the Member States will recognize electronic identification from users.
Additionally, this regulation implements standards for electronic signatures, time stamps, electronic seals, and other proof of authentication, including electronic certification and registered delivery services that give those electronic transactions the same legal status as if they were conducted on paper.
The trust services covered by eIDAS for creating an electronic internal market include:
• Advanced and Qualified Electronic Signatures associated to a legal or natural person.
• Advanced and Qualified electronic seals associated to a legal person
• Qualified validation for Qualified Electronic Signatures and seals
• Qualified preservation of Qualified Electronic Signatures and seals
• Time stamping
• Electronic delivery services
• Website authentication
The eIDAS regulation has been enforceable across the EU Since 1st July 2016. eIDAS classifies two types of secure electronic signatures standards; 1) the Advanced Electronic Signature and 2) the Qualified Electronic Signature. Cryptomathic provides remote signing solutions for both types.
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